Understanding landing zones for Azure Cloud Adoption Framework – Terraform edition

Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework (http://aka.ms/caf) is the one Microsoft guidance to adopt Azure in entreprise. One of the fastest way to put the framework in action and deploy an environment fast and good, is to use CAF landing zones for

CAF landing zones are an open source project living on GitHub and we welcome any contribution: https://aka.ms/tf-landingzones

In this article, you will find a set of videos and articles that should help you understanding the landing zones architectures and how to start crafting your own.

Cloud Adoption Framework: Introduction landing zones for Terraform

Cloud Adoption Framework: Deep-dive on landing zones for Terraform

First Deployment:

Setup Environment:

Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones with Terraform

Official Cloud Adoption Framework landing zones:


If you are getting started with Terraform on Azure:

Operating governance on cloud native technologies:

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